  • "BeautyUtilityToughnessBeautilityThe "Toughness and Beautility" range of functional handles from SugatsuneHandles are the ultimate human-machine interface.Toughness & Beautility handles redefine the very concept of the handle.スガツネの新たなる挑戦《 Toughness & Beautility Handle 》人間と装置の接面〜ヒューマンインターフェース〜となるハンドル。ハンドルのコンセプトを 一から見直すことで、《 Toughness & Beautility Handle 》は誕生しました。Sugatsune offers a wide range of handles that combine rugged and durable construction "toughness" for a range of operating environments with functional beauty "beautility" that provides optimum ease of use.様々な使用環境に耐え得る 《 強さ : Toughness 》 と、操作感を追求して生まれた 《 機能美 : Beautility 》 を併せ持つハンドルをご提案します。Sugatsune handles are designed and manufactured in accordance with stringentload testing standards and production criteria that are based on client requirements and specifications across a wide range of industries.《美》《実用性》《機能美》《強さ》Sugatsune produces handles that are stylish in their own right while blending in beautifully with any environment, as well as comfortable and easy to use. LineupMSH型>>P.11TBH型>>P.13SBH型>>P.14AGH-L型AGH-T型>>P.15AGH-F型>>P.16SOR型>>P.17MDHL型>> P.21CJH型>>P.27SJH型>>P.28SYH型>>P.31KMH型>>P.30ALH型>>P.33HGH型>>P.43HH-UD型>>P.50MDH型>>P.19ConceptBeautilityToughness1 --1/1-- "